Sunday, December 5, 2010

Important sites

-Site talks about working with historic homes tours and a new Finder and speaks in detail and assess the weddings and conferences as you walk around in many places and many.

the link:fairmount
in house
-Studio Design
-Submit designs for furniture and upscale offices and rooms kinds spread their work in America.
-There are service centers in California and can send them.
the link:in house studio design
My garden is my life
Celebration of outdoor living

-One of the best sites have everything by the special gardens, farmers and other tools more and more.
-I think he did not leave anything.
the link:Celebration outdoor living
garden guides
-This is by the articles on garden design and disease control with the explanation and also video and photos and the types of plants and design, cooking,food storage and other.
the link:garden guides
-Contains the market and the magazine and the work of excellent qualities with the explanation of many of the things you need from here is not just for fun did not forget the special foods for some people and contains methods for participation and interaction of my favorite sites for many people.
the link:Sunset

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Flooring simple

-Did you see how the place changed?
-Some people pay no attention to that
-House may change the form of change places a few things.
-There is a new innovation every day in this field.
-And there is always change like magic and change for everything in the house.
-As usual simplicity is the creativity.
 -So that the creativity came to the point, where we could change ourselves in this.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

kitchen history

In ancient times

.it is the most necessary part of any house-

-they have been developed over the centuries since the tent in the ancient times to the highly equipped now.

middle ages
-there was this development in every thing and has become a place for each style and for every one.

but now
-Man and the woman had invented so many shapes and equipment used.
-Main materials in making the parts is wood and aluminum.

-Each person has a particular form and planning for the best design.
-The choice is depending on the nature of the
person,As well as the place of his life and his conception of value.
-In my opinion, the best is what depends on how much we enjoy it.
Unending sophistication
-And by the way I prefer French.

Bedroom Lighting

- A lot of us ignore the illumination of bedrooms depending on the fact that they are only for sleeping.
- For the above reason, most of us use faint lights.

- The perfect system should be in the middle of the ceiling and leave no shadows.

 - Lighting here should be particular as it is aesthetic.

-this place should be comfortable enough to call it bedroom. 

-some like coloured staff in his place.

- People spend long times in bedrooms for rest and clearing mind.
- Also lambs on walls are good in providing Peripheral illumination and also the good view.